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Nanlinghu Formation

Nanlinghu Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Triassic, (TJ84a, TJ84b, TJ85)


Type Locality and Naming

The named section is located in Nanling Lake, Tongling District, Anhui Province. Upper-middle formation in Qinglong Gr. [See Additional Information for nomenclature details.]


Lithology and Thickness

It is composed of carbonate rocks, and can be divided into two parts from bottom to top. Upper part is thin to medium thick limestone, and the bottom is generally interbedded with purplish red or yellow green nodular limestone. Upper part is mainly composed of medium-thick caesian dense limestone with a thin layer of crumpled limestone. It has worm-like structure and developed suture lines. At the bottom, nodular limestone rich in ammonoids, such as Tirolites, first appears as the bottom boundary, and at the top, vermicular limestone or limestone under dolomite is the top boundary. Thickness 160 to 645 m.

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

It has a concordant contact with the underlying Helongshan Fm

Upper contact

It has a concordant contact with the overlying Dongma'anshan Fm (Zhoucongcun Fm).

Regional extent

Distributed in the Lower Yangtze area




Abundant production of ammonoids, bivalves and conodonts. In the lower and upper segments, ammonoid Tirolites columbites zone and Subcolumbites zone can be constructed respectively. Two conodont assemblages can be constructed from bottom to top: (1) Neospathodus collinsoni assemblage; (2) Neospathodus anhuiensis- N. homeri assemblage; In addition, still produce ichthyosaur and fish fossils


The age was defined as the late Olenekian of the Early Triassic

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Shallow marine facies

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

for nomenclature details.]


Lithology and Thickness:

It is composed of carbonate rocks, and can be divided into two parts from bottom to top. Upper part is thin to medium thick limestone, and the bottom is generally interbedded with purplish red or yellow green nodular limestone. Upper part is mainly composed of medium-thick caesian dense limestone with a thin layer of crumpled limestone. It has worm-like structure and developed suture lines. At the bottom, nodular limestone rich in ammonoids, such as Tirolites, first appears as the bottom boundary, and at the top, vermicular limestone or limestone under dolomite is the top boundary. Thickness 160 to 645 m.

Lithology-pattern: Limestone

Relationships and Distribution:

Lower contact:

It has a concordant contact with the underlying Helongshan Fm

Upper contact:

It has a concordant contact with the overlying Dongma'anshan Fm (Zhoucongcun Fm).

Regional extent:

Distributed in the Lower Yangtze area



Abundant production of ammonoids, bivalves and conodonts. In the lower and upper segments, ammonoid Tirolites columbites zone and Subcolumbites zone can be constructed respectively. Two conodont assemblages can be constructed from bottom to top: (1) Neospathodus collinsoni assemblage; (2) Neospathodus anhuiensis- N. homeri assemblage; In addition, still produce ichthyosaur and fish fossils


The age was defined as the late Olenekian of the Early Triassic

Age span:

Beginning stage: Olenekian

Fraction up in beginning stage: 0.6

Beginning date (Ma):

Ending stage: Olenekian

Fraction up in ending stage: 1.0

Ending date (Ma):

Depositional setting:

Shallow marine facies


Additional Information

The former Nanlinghu Fm is a set of shallow marine limestone strata distributed in Tongling area, Anhui Province, between the Tashan Fm of the Lower Triassic (Helongshan Fm of this lexicon) and the Fenling Fm of the Middle Triassic, which is dated as the Anisian of the Middle Triassic. Wang Guixiang (1984) dated the group to the late Early Triassic Olenekian. In 1982, Anhui Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources proposed to abandon the Early Triassic "Biandanshan Fm ", which was renamed Nanlinghu Fm by Guo Peixia and Xu Jiacong (1978). Chen Huacheng et al. (1989) merged the named Nanlinghu Fm with the overlaying "watershed formation" and collectively referred to it as the Nanlinghu Fm. The age was defined as the late Olenekian of the Early Triassic, and the latter meaning was used in this lexicon.


Zhang Shunxin, Sun Xin and Tong Jinnan.